Our everyday life is quite impacted by the colors we choose, whether you believe or not. They have a great influence on our emotions, actions and how we interact with people. Colored gemstones are quite powerful and different gemstones are associated with different months of a calendar. Each one has its own meaning and effect on the health and life of a person.
Garnet is the birthstone of January born people, which is bright red in color. Red stands for vitality, courage, confidence and evokes romance.
Amethyst is the birthstone of February born people, which is purple in color. It stands for magic and mystery along with representing royalty.
Aquamarine is the birthstone of March born people, which is blue green in color which also is the color of the sea. This gemstone brings overall happiness and gives you creativity, hope and courage.
Diamond is the birthstone of April born people, which is clear white in color. The significance of the color is kindness, purity, courage, cleanliness and eternal love.
Emerald is the birthstone of May born people, which is green in color. This stone is a provider of beauty, fertility, wealth, good fortune and good health.
Pearl and Alexandrite are the birthstones of June born people, which are milky and bluish green in color respectively. Whereas, pearls represent purity, chastity and modesty, Alexandrite stands for creativity, intuition and imagination.
Ruby is the birthstone of July born people, which is red in color. It will give you courage and strength along with bringing good luck.
Peridot is the birthstone of August born people, which is yellowish green in color. It provides creativity and intellectual energy along with healing stress, beating negativity and reducing anger.
Sapphire is the birthstone of September born people, which is blue in color. It indicates loyalty,wisdom, faith and offers you internal peace.
Opal and Tourmaline are the birthstones of October born people, which are multicoloured. They provide psychic powers, innocence, provide vision and restore health.
Topaz and Citrine are the birthstones of November born people, which are yellow in color. They symbolise wisdom, joy and happiness.
Turquoise and Zircon are the birthstones of December born people, which are blue green in color. Along with removing respiratory issues, they purify the mind and body as well along with strengthening the natural immunity of the body.

Certifiedgemstones in Delhi are available with us. Contact us for details.


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