One of the most coveted gemstones is the Emerald, which is green in color and extremely precious. Emerald got its name from the Greek word Smaragdos, meaning ‘Green Gemstone’.  It is the variety of Beryl mineral having the chemical formula Be3Al2(SiO3)6 (beryllium aluminium cyclosilicate). Pure Beryl has no color and Emerald derives its radiant green shade from the hint of impurities of chromium in its molecular structure.
Since ancient times (during the times when they were found in Egypt only), emerald has been treasured as a precious stone. Emeralds come with fissures and inclusions. It will be a rarity if you manage to find an entirely clear emerald. Emeralds in which inclusions cannot be seen through the naked eyes are taken to be flawless.
For the optimum glow, it is important for an emerald to have a proper cut. However, cuts are not that important in case of emeralds as they are generally valued on the basis of their color. Large carat size emeralds are rare which is why they are very high-priced. Emeralds have a hardness of 7.5 to 8 making it a durable gemstone. Mild dish soap and a tender brush must be used in order to clean your emerald.

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