Governed by Mars, it is one of the most
popular gemstones in India. It boosts managerial skills, self-confidence and
determination in a person. Red Coral helps in controlling the emotional aspects
of a person. It also increases courage and positive attitude in a person. One
can get profit in real estate matters as well. People having Aries and Scorpio
as their zodiac signs are likely to be benefitted more by this gemstone.
People who are suffering from muscular
weakness are generally advised to wear Japanese Red Coral. People who are
lacking in internal energy are likely to be benefitted by the use of the same.
Red Coral is associated with Muladhar
Chakra, which is located near spinal column’s base. The malign influence or
mangal dosha of planet Mars is also minimised by the use of this stone.
Japanese Red Corals are precious, rare and hard to find. Japanese corals are
much in demand and are their color can be classified under the category of “Ox
The top side of a genuine Japanese red
coral is devoid of any marks or signs and is highly polished. The back side of
this red coral has this tell tale wood grain effect- line(s) in brown or white color,
striations or groove pits.
A good red coral should be:
Created by marine polyp in the
Free from any wax filling or
Fully organic and natural
Must have an even color
Buy authentic Japanese red coral online from Brahma gems, one of the largest
gemstone suppliers in New Delhi.
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